Q: Stray interrupt ?

From: 16ES0001.DFS016:ZWARA016 <%GROUPWISE%DFS_at_notesgw.compuserve.com>
Date: 8 Nov 96 12:41:40

Hi Managers.

We discovered the following error message when connecting thru
the console port and typing any commands.

Stray interrupt - IR:0 (intmask:dc)

The machine is a DEC Alpha 3000 / 600, 160MB RAM, 1GB HD,
DU 3.2D-1
Has anybody seen this error message, and what is the meaning of
this error?
Is it possible, that this message is being generated by an application
(software especially programmed for our company) that is running
on this machine?

Thank you.
Anthony Patchett / Ralf Zwatschek
use this email-address for repley
Received on Fri Nov 08 1996 - 13:34:57 NZDT

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