While trying to upgrade from du 4.0 to 4.0a we
tried to remove the layered product System V
environment before then upgrade.
setld -d SVEADM400
came back with the error:
-sh: EDITOR=pico.elm: is not an identifier
cron may not be running - call your system administrator
The server was in single user mode.
We looked in /etc/profile but couldn't find any reference there.
| |
|Karen Byrd, Alpha Sys./Net. Manager|
|University of Pennsylvania |
|Computing & Information Technology |
|(Medical School Computer Facility) |
|Philadelphia, PA 19104 (USA) |
|E-mail: byrd_at_mscf.med.upenn.edu |
| byrd_at_info.med.upenn.edu |
| karen_at_mail.med.upenn.edu |
|FAX: (215)573-2277 |
|Phone: (215)898-6865 |
Received on Fri Nov 08 1996 - 16:25:27 NZDT