SUMMARY: Wich is the best HTTPD for DU?

From: Mauricio Brixner <>
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 1996 17:24:43 -0200

Dear Managers, sorry for the lag of this summary!

The major people respond thatīs running Apache 1.1.1 ( ) without problems. And have a new player: ROXEN ( ). I will try Apache because Itīs tested and aproved! ;-)

Thanks to:
Hervé Choplin <> in France
Simon Tardell <> in Sweden
Martyn Johnson <> in UK
Tom Hermitt <>
Peter Bivesand <PetBi_at_UNIT.LiU.SE> in Sweden
Steve Caine <>
Ollivier ROBERT <> in France
Henrik Johansson <>
Len Smith <> in Canada
Del Merritt <>
Mark Holohan <>
Alan Cox <>
Saif Rahman <>
Rob Hamm <> in Canada
Marcio Montenegro <> in Brazil
Steven E. Newton <>

The original question is:
I have one Alpha Server 400 4/166 running DU 3.2c with 64Mb of memory.
Its running a Netscape Communication Server version 1.12.
I need VirtualHost capabilities, but my dealler tell-me that this httpd
"eat" a lot of resources for VirtualHost, becouse the NCS 1.12 need a new
daemon for each Virtual Home.
The question is: Which is the best httpD for this situation?

Mauricio Brixner Hot-Net Informatica Ltda. Phone:+55(051)331-3795
System Manager Santa Cecilia 1891 loja 3 Fax:+55(051)331-3334 Porto Alegre-RS-Brazil
Received on Sat Nov 09 1996 - 20:47:05 NZDT

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