SUMMARY: NETWORKER licences for version 3.2a of NSR

From: Eric Wyn Jones (01248-382407) <"Eric>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 12:52:56 +0000 (GMT)

Thanks for some replies --
Problem seems to have been "finger trouble" - a reboot cleared the
problem and I can now backup both clients.

Further - it seems you need a client licence for the server if you want
to backup the server .
A multiple concurrent licence is one that can be combined with others
to give more units !

Note also that you get a server licence with some of the NAS server
I thought I had wasted a lot of money buying the server licence for
my 2100 server - since my other unix boxex have come with a NAS package.
Turned out that since the 2100 had been bought as a NT system I only had
an OSF base licence for it - so I had to buy the NRS server licence !

Of course what I should have done was move the DLT stacker to one of
the other servers that had come with the NAS server licence ....

| Eric Wyn Jones, | Arosfa G.S.D. |
| Information Services, | "Puppies for sale " - |
| University of Wales, Bangor | The only love money can buy ? |

Sorry if this is in the archives - but I could not find it (easily) !


I have a AS2100 with a TZ875 (5 slot DLT stacker).
I have another tapeless AS2100 and a tapeless AS2000.

I wish to backup all three machines onto the DLT.
I have installed the NSR client kit on both tapeless machines.
I have installed the NRS server kit on the machine with the tape.
I have installed a DECNSR-NET-SVR licence (units 1100) and three

off of DECNSR-NET-CLNT QL-XYXAL-3B (units 100 each) on the server.
There are no NRS licences installed on the clients.


I can backup the server and the first client fine - but when trying to
add the second client I get "number of clients exceed licence".

I assume the server needs a client licence for itself - that why I got
three client licences ....

Any ideas ?
Why does the client licence QL-XYXAL-3B have the description
                       ^^^ ^^^^
 What does "mul conc" mean ? multiple concurrent ? implies I only need
one client licence for all clients ?
Received on Wed Nov 20 1996 - 14:12:32 NZDT

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