WWW server searcher for d-unix?

From: Paul Key <paul_at_hsrc.org.uk>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 12:06:49 GMT

Hello managers

Alpha 200
D-UNIX 3.2a
Netscape commerce server

I am creating a web-site, a section of which will comprise of .PDF files. I
would like a user to enter a keyword and then have a search tool go off and
explore the subdirectories containg the .PDF files and return the names of
any files containing the searched for keywords. Now, I checked out the
Excite site as I understood they had a free search tool going only to find
that the OSF version is not ready yet!!! Does anyone know of any other
search tools available for free (or cheap!) that run under OSF/D-UNIX? Is
there a version of Altavista available(or any other search engine for that

Any help/info much appreciated.


Received on Mon Dec 23 1996 - 12:04:23 NZDT

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