[SUMMARY] Crack 4.1 compile problem

From: Gert Maaskant <gertm_at_cvi.ns.nl>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 09:06:53 +0100


        Gert Maaskant

        Operational Support UNIX EDS
        Croeselaan 22, 3521 CB Utrecht NL

        Telefoon : 030 - 2924 251 Telefax : 030 - 2924 250
        Kamer : 0e etage E-Mail : gertm_at_cvi.ns.nl
                                      E-Mail : gert.maaskant_at_nl.eds.com

        Thanks to:
        Steve Osselton <steve_at_prismtech.co.uk>
        Richard A. Muirden <richard_at_rmit.edu.au>
        Jean-Loup Risler <Jean-Loup.Risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr>
        Paul A Sand <pas_at_unh.edu>
        Valerie Thevenin <thevenin_at_univ-troyes.fr>

        My original question was:
> Hi Managers,
> I tried to compile Crack 4.1 on a 2100 Alpha running D-UNIX 3.2-c
> Bud we get a error message like:
> Error messages follows ......

        The best suggestion was from Paul A Sand <pas_at_unh.edu>
        He wrote:
        Crack 5.0 is out (this only happened a few days ago), and
        it compiles cleanly on DU 4.0, should be fine on 3.2c as
        well. Try ftp://ftp.cert.dfn.de/pub/tools/password/Crack/

        It compiles succesful.

        Once again, thanks for all the great responses

        Thanks, Gert...

Received on Tue Dec 24 1996 - 08:14:22 NZDT

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