I have a pop3 logfile of usernames by hour,min, sec.
I want to do a count by hour to see how many times that specific user
occurs (to see if someone has their client set for grabbing mail
less than every 10 mins.)
so I want to determine who's
logged in over xx amount of times within any given hour.
does anyone have a clue how to do this in perl?
I've come close as I can count the number of occurrences
for user1 for the whole file, but not by hour.
So this gives me the count by username, but how do I
then determine by hour by username the total?
while (<infile>){
# Use sysuaf mc authorize list/brief [123,*] to generate sysuaf_all.lis
# and convert it into a umod username only list for batch run later.
print OUTFILE "People who have multiple occurrances: \n";
= split(' ',$_);
($hour,$min,$sec) = split(':',$time);
$users[$#users+1]= $username;
} #endofwhile
for (_at_users) {$count3{$_}++;
for (sort keys %count3) {
printf "\t\t%2s %5d\n",$_, $count3{$_};
Pam Woods - axsymgr_at_uaa.alaska.edu
**** POP Users (Eudora/Netscape, etc.) **************************
Are you a DISK hog? If you haven't checked lately, please interactively
log in and be sure to clean up any old files.
Thanks for keeping our Disks Clean...
Received on Wed Mar 05 1997 - 02:57:04 NZDT