DU4.0b & GCC- problems

From: Liz Stewart <liz_at_ece.neu.edu>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 11:43:56 -0500

Hello Managers,

Yet Another GCC on DU4.0b Problem. I've searched the archives,
but no answers there. I hope you can help!

Victim: DEC 3000/300X running DU 4.0b - my test system before I
upgrade the others.

Problem: Trying to compile gcc- using the supplied cc compiler,
and having all sorts of headaches.

I did apply the sprintf patch, and that allowed me to complete
the compilation and installation. However, when i try to compile
programs, I often get messages similar to this:

warning: type mismatch in implicit declaration for built-in function `strlen'

I thought I saw this when i tried to compile gcc-2.7.0 on DU3.0,
but it was no longer a problem in 2.7.2. Has anyone else seen this,
and more importantly, does anyone have a fix for it? I have such
a headache over this...Thanks!


Liz Stewart E-mail: liz_at_ece.neu.edu
Systems Administrator, VLSI Labs Phone: 617-373-2159
Northeastern University Fax: 617-373-8970
Received on Fri Mar 14 1997 - 18:10:51 NZDT

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