SUMMARY: Advancing tape on maintenance os

From: Jimmy Chan <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 97 10:08:00 PST

This summarizes how to advance to multiple tape sections after booting
from the maintenance OS. The original question can be found at the end
of this post.

In my case, I found an old backup which had the /usr filesystem on its
own tape. I recovered "mt" from that tape, and proceeded to recover the
/usr filesystem using a recent backup.

I received several good suggestions, including backing up /usr before /
on the tape, so I always have access to "mt". I also received alternate
methods for advancing the tape:
 vrestore -tvf /dev/nrmt0h (do a catalog of the first section)
or dd if=/dev/nrmt0h of=/dev/null bs=whatever (dd first section to

The most logical procedure seems to be to recover / from tape. Boot off
of the newly-recovered root disk. Advance the tape using "vrestore -tvf
/dev/nrmt0h" or similar. Restore the /usr partition.

Although this was not the procedure I used, in theory it should work.
 I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has tried this.

Thanks to all who replied:


Sent: Friday, March 14, 1997 9:41 AM
To: ''
Subject: Advancing tape on maintenance os

I am using the following script for AdvFS backups on our Digital UNIX
3.2c machine:

mt rew
echo Starting full backup .....on /dev/nrmt0h....../
vdump -0 -u -f /dev/nrmt0h /
vdump -0 -u -f /dev/nrmt0h /usr

I needed to restore the system while booted off of CD. During restore I

discovered that the "mt" command is not part of the Maintenance OS. I
tried restoring the / non-rewinding, then /usr. However, the system
complained about not having enough free memory during the second restore.

How do I advance the tape to restore the second vdump?
Received on Mon Mar 17 1997 - 19:37:44 NZST

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