SUMMARY: disklabel fails for 9 GB Barracuda drive

From: Harvey Rarback 630-252-0427 <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 16:52:02 -0600 (CST)


I had seen the command

# disklabel -wrn rz8 rzxx

hang on a newly installed 9 GB Barracuda drive even though the kernel saw the
disk on bootup. I received many replies; the clearest explanation was
given by Bob Grandle:

> Typically if seagate drive do not show any size the numbytes field the
> HDR did not come online. The controller board on all seagates that I have
> seen will respond even if the HDA is dead. If the HDA does not come
> online the controller board on the drive can not determine the size of the
> drive and will not respond to the drive cap command.

I replaced the drive today and disklabel (and addvol) work out of the box :-)

Thanks to:

Wayne Baisley <>
Calvin Chung <>
Bryan Dunlap <>
David Greenberg <>
Steve Thompson <smt_at_NICS1.CORNING.COM>
Ernie Bisson <BISSON_at_BATES.MIT.EDU>
Eugene Chu <chu_at_musp0.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
Bob Grandle <>

Harvey Rarback phone: (630)252-0427
CARS at APS fax: (630)252-0443
Building 434-A4 home phone: (708)957-4055
Argonne National Lab Internet:
9700 South Cass Ave ESnet: 47583::RARBACK
Argonne, IL 60439 Web:

           "If it's simply physics -- it's very sad." Woody Allen
Received on Fri Mar 21 1997 - 00:08:19 NZST

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