This is really old, but still useful.
Here is the original question:
I am on DU4.0 and get this when I do a dump:
# dump -0unN -f /dev/nrmt0h /usr
dump: Dumping from host
dump: Date of this level 0 dump: Wed Jan 15 20:36:35 1997 EST
dump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch
dump: Dumping /dev/rrz0g (/usr) to /dev/nrmt0h
dump: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
dump: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
dump: Estimate: 1205216 tape blocks on 3 volume(s)
dump: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
dump: Volume 1, tape # 0001, begins with blocks from i-node 2
dump: 0.04% done -- finished in 00:40
dump: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
dump: 11.94% done -- finished in 00:36
dump: 95.17% done -- finished in 00:02
dump: Actual: 1205847 tape blocks on 1 volume(s)
dump: Feet remaining on tape: -3908
dump: Volumes used: 1
dump: Level 0 dump on Wed Jan 15 20:36:35 1997 EST
dump: Dump completed at Wed Jan 15 21:19:10 1997 EST
Why is there negative feet remaining on the tape?
My quick summary on the gig. You have to take the parameters of your
tape drive, match them up (via the 800-digital number or the web
page) with the closest Digital drive to find out what Digital part you have,
then read the dump man page to find out what bpi and kb blocks you
should use on the dump line. For example, I have a wang dat 3400se,
which is rated at 4 gig with compression on a 90M tape. That makes it
close to a tlz06. so I look that up in the dump man page and it
states I should use bpi as 61000 and size as 2640, which seems to
work just fine.
The answer was not obvious, and I believe the missing bit was matching
the *.com tape drive with the Digital supported drive to find the
Anyway, here the summary. The full digest of answers that I received can be
found at
Received on Sun Mar 23 1997 - 02:55:11 NZST