Thanks to all
Many suggested below what I also had tried
mv /tmp /otmp
mkdir /usr/users/tmp
ln -s /usr/users/tmp /tmp
Larry Griffith <> had the most complete
and best solution see below
I'm not sure whether Pine recognizes it, but you might try
the environment variable TMPDIR as /usr/tmp:
(ksh) export TMPDIR=/usr/tmp in /etc/profile
(csh) setenv TMPDIR /usr/tmp in /etc/csh.login
(sh) TMPDIR=/usr/tmp;export TMPDIR in /etc/profile
Some people on this list have recommended making /tmp a soft link
to /usr/tmp, but that can be nasty if /usr isn't mounted (e.g. single-user
thanks again to all
Received on Mon Mar 24 1997 - 16:29:10 NZST