Q: sendmail aliases under DU 4.0B

From: Ansgar Schlueter <Ansgar.Schlueter_at_iabg.de>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 10:28:21 +0000


I'm trying to setup aliases in the form firstname.surname_at_domain like
many Internet sites do. But unfortunately this doesn't work. A simple
aliases entry like
works fine but the format
does not work.

Any hints are welcome.

Ansgar Schlueter
Ansgar Schlueter              Email: Ansgar.Schlueter_at_tm.iabg.de
IABG mbH Lathen               Tel:   +49(0)5933 62-119
Hermann Kemper Str. 23        FAX:   +49(0)5933 6220
49762 Lathen                  AX25:  DL6BBH _at_ DB0SM
Germany                       http://transrapid.simplenet.com/
Received on Tue Apr 01 1997 - 11:01:40 NZST

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