Summary: DU v4.x on Multia?

From: John Nebel <>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 11:16:40 -0700 (MST)

Everyone said it would work. Thanks. My problem is most likely the CD
drive as I did see a note in the DECdirect catalog that only Digital CD
drives could be used for booting systems. That would be a change from 3.2c

As for the licensing issue, I've included an interchange with Tom Blinn
below. Just my own opinion, but DEC may be hurting itself with its
licensing for small machines. There have been discussions on the
VMS list about this too. People often want the same operating system at
home or on the desktop as the departmental or enterprise systems run.
Sometimes these people are ultimately responsible for what happens on a much
larger scale.

The indended application for this particular Multia was a PC file
server in a remote location. I've used NT for this with automatic
processes for backing up via DECnet. The NT strategy is nice but, DU
appears to me to be more robust for remote management. The DU Pathworks
advanced server works very well.

Since I want a supported solution, I'll use an AS1000 rather than a Multia,
however, a Multia's use as a test machine makes sense.

John Nebel

>From tpb_at_zk3.dec.comTue Apr 1 10:46:59 1997
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 97 13:16:29 -0500
From: "Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-881-0646" <>
To: John Nebel <>
Subject: Re: DU v4.x on Multia?

> On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-881-0646 wrote:
> > On the one hand, we have done nothing deliberately to break it, but on the
> > other hand, we don't officially support it, and we don't sell a license for
> > it, so if you are running Digital UNIX (any release) on a Multia, you are
> > likely doing so in violation of any Digital UNIX license you may have for
> > the software you're using.
> >
> > Tom
> Tom,
> I had been relying on the below from an old post to this list.
> "Yes, it would be legitimate but somewhat pricey. Try QL-MT4AE-6Q instead,
> this is an AXPpci33 license which is what the UDB identifes itself as when
> you fire up Digital UNIX on it as both designs were very similar - much
> cheaper !"
> The alternative was an AS1000 which would clearly work for the application,
> but I do have a stack of Multias...
> John Nebel

The "gotcha" is that NONE of the available licenses is marketed by us as the
license for a Multia. It's true that the Multia firmware identifies itself
to Digital UNIX as equivalent to the AXPpci33, and it's true that if we did
offer a license for the Multia it would probably be priced the same as that
for the AXPpci33, but strictly speaking, they're different systems, and we
do not offer a Digital UNIX license for the Multia. (There is a whole lot
of confusion about this in the marketplace; I am an advocate for offering
the license, unsupported, so people who want to be legitimate and run on a
Multia can do so.)

 Dr. Thomas P. Blinn, UNIX Software Group, Digital Equipment Corporation
  110 Spit Brook Road, MS ZKO3-2/U20 Nashua, New Hampshire 03062-2698
   Technology Partnership Engineering Phone: (603) 881-0646
    Internet: Digital's Easynet: alpha::tpb
     ACM Member: PC_at_Home:

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Received on Tue Apr 01 1997 - 20:47:14 NZST

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