SUMMARY: After installing Patch osf360-350294 automount is broken

From: Harald Volz <>
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 14:43:46 +0200

Thanks Knut Hellebx for his quick help.

As we haved change some automount entries during the same period it was
not the patch but a wrong auto.master entry.

> ypcat -k auto.master
> /home/kyb auto.home
should be
> ypcat -k auto.master
> /home auto.home
now everything is working again.

Sorry about this wrong titled issue....


               Harald Volz
   - Netzwerk- und Systemadministration -
Max-Planck-Institut f. Biologische Kybernetik
              Spemannstr. 38
            D- 72076 Tuebingen
    Tel: ++49 (0)7071 601-511 
    Fax: ++49 (0)7071 601-616 (o. -575)
Received on Fri Apr 04 1997 - 15:09:49 NZST

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