Hello all,
Thanks to everybody who responded to my questions about using Pro/Engineer
and Pro/Mechanica running on Digital Unix 3.2D-1.
I will summarize responses, I'm sorry I'm not able to summarize results.
first response from ole-christian.schroder_at_nopow.abb.no:
>I am not using Pro/Engineer, but my Alpha 255/233 running on DU v3.2G with a
>Powerstorm 3d30 (little brother of 4d20) and Open3d v3.4 experienced the same
>problem as your machine. I got a new Open3D driver from digital and the
>system havent crashed since, so it seems it was the solution.
>The file I replaced was /sys/BINARY/tga.o, ask for it at your digital
>support center.
We asked local digital support center with no response yet.
About using Pro/Engineer on AlphaStation 255 running DU 3.2D-1.
Marek Pola <marek.pola_at_mailbox.swipnet.se> writes:
>We have about 100 machines running Pro/E + 3.2C + NFS mounting from
>servers running AdvFS. We have also some machines with AdvFS for root
>and /usr partitions, works fine.
John Wiebe <jwiebe_at_ptc.com> writes:
>I am running PROE on an AS500/266 with 128 Mgs and 400 megs of
>swap space and DU3.2c . About once a week my xserver crashes
>because of not enough swap space, though not necessarily
>due to PROE. I don't use mechanica, just basic PROE modules
and richard n. frank <rnfrank_at_llnl.gov>:
>We are doing Pro17 on 3000/400 workstations using DU 4.0a and 4.0b. We get
>some core dumps on the 4.0a systems while doing the simplest things. Pro/E
>cannot help unless we can get repeatanble errors. It just drops to the
>operating system, however. The dumps arew at the worst appx 1 per day per
>One guy brings up multiple views and models. I have set him up with just
>over a half a gigabyte of swap. Most users are using about 325 mb without
>complaint. Physical memory of systems = 128 - 160 mb.
>We are using UFS file system. Seems OK to me.
About needed swap space. Marek Pola writes:
>Mechanica users don't understand the word "enough". We usually set up as
>much swap and temp space as possible, typically maybe 1 GB swap and 2 GB
>temp space, if possible.
About using Pro/Engineer + DU 3.2D-1 and AFS (Andrew File System -
- distributed filesystem):
Nobody responded - it seems there nobody uses AFS and Pro/Engineer on
DU 3.2D-1.
Thanks again to everyone who replied.
Best regards,
Jiri Sitera
e-mail: sitera_at_zcu.cz (Japi)
postal address: Delnicka 493, 345 06 KDYNE, Czech republic /||||\
###### University of West Bohemia - Laboratory for Computer Science ########
Received on Wed Apr 09 1997 - 13:47:28 NZST