the question is - why can neither real or anonymous users log into wu-ftp
beta 13, compiled under DU4.0, without c2 security? The answer is, if you
use the dec, as opposed to osf, makefile, you pull in a config file that
defines something called SECUREOSF, which then uses bigcrypt to encrypt
the passwd, which you don't want, unless you're running C2. undef this
variable in the config.h and you're golden.
I'm sending this to wu bugs only because it is not documented in the
install file.
Here is Miguel's answer.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 03:20:16 +0200
From: Miguel Mena <>
To: Becki Kain <>
Cc: Me <>
Subject: Re: wu-ftp on du 4.0 beta 13
I just compiled beta 13 and ... I have no problems at all.
How does your src/config.h look like ?
make sure SECUREOSF is NOT defined. you just need it
for C2 security level.
"build dec" compiles fine with SECUREOSF when
the OSFC2SEC4xx subset is installed, but then
ftpd fails because C2 is not configured.
Hope this helps.
+---------------------------+tm Miguel Mena
| | | | | | | | TRUST - Digital UNIX Support
| d | i | g | i | t | a | l | DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
| | | | | | | | Hofwisenstrasse 50
+---------------------------+ CH-8153 Ruemlang (Switzerland)
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Received on Fri Apr 18 1997 - 04:29:17 NZST