Starting service as a particular UserID during bootup (rc3.d) in DU 3.2c

From: Randy Moore <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 12:56:47 -0400

I need to start a server process on my Alpha running DU 3.2c with a
particular UserID during boot up, but have not been able to get this to
work nor understand why.

I have a script that is owned by root that has been installed into the
/sbin/init.d directory and linked to /sbin/rc3.d that attempts to start
this service.

The strange thing is that while logged in as root, I can run this script
and it starts the server process with the right UserID as intended. But
when this script runs during bootup (rc3), it does not work. Here is
the line my shell script uses to start the process with the right

su UserID -c "exec /path/myprocess &" >/dev/console 2>&1 &

I have also tried other variations such as making "/path/myprocess" SUID
to UserID and running it directly from my startup script, which also did
not work during bootup.

I also tried writing a simple Perl script that changed it's effective
UserID and attempts to start the process and this did not work either.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Thank you,

Randy Moore
Alexus, Inc.
Received on Fri Apr 18 1997 - 19:12:25 NZST

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