Lemme rephrase my problem,
We have problem determining strayed and nohup processes. My question is
how can we determine if a process is running because of nohup signal or is
it a stray process?
Strayed - I mean the unwanted process consuming lot of cpu cycles started
by the user; but system could not clean it when the user logs out.
Note: I am not talking about <defunct> processes
Because both strayed and nohup processes do not have any tty associated
with them and "ps" does not distinguish between them, so was wondering if
there was a way to find and differentiate between them.
Your input is appreciated
8^) Ravi
Ravi Halker Comp. Sc. and Telecommunications
rhalker_at_cstp.umkc.edu University of Missouri - Kansas City
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
-- Talmudic saying.
Received on Tue Apr 22 1997 - 17:48:24 NZST