rtf -> text (pref unix)

From: David Bremer <DaveB_at_healthotago.co.nz>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 19:48:28 +1200

I apologise if this is off topic - but I do want this to run on DU3.2g

Is there a program that will take a rtf doc with (simple) tables and
translate it into plain text - with the table created as ascii art

| cell one | text in cell 2 |
| text | more text |

We have a database application that has a feature built in that throws
(FTPs) a file to a PC to be edited in word - then back to the alpha when
saved (don't ask me how???). The file is sent back as rtf - but when it
comes to displaying on terminal screens our vendor simply strips out the
rtf & displays it as a simply formatted document - but it doesn't handel

It would help me to encourage them to develop this feature if I could
point them to a program that does just that



Clinical Account Manager, Information Systems
Healthcare Otago (Dunedin NZ)
Ph external: 03 - 4740999
Ph internal: NB CHANGE extn 8830 
email: daveb_at_healthotago.co.nz
Pretentious quote of the week/month (whatever):
#What is a magician but a practising theorist?
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
Received on Thu May 01 1997 - 10:00:33 NZST

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