WU-FTPD woes

From: Douglas Meldrum <arn_at_oracle.dsuper.net>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 18:40:03 -0400 (EDT)

Hello again,

Just the other week I had sent out a reuqest for help concerning the
working of wu.ftpd on a DEC Alpha 1000 ( os ver. 4.0b ). However I have
been informed that is possible that some of you might have not recieved
the email. So here is my request again:

I am presently trying to get wu.ftpd ( ver 2.4 ) to properly chroot for
guest users on our box. I have set the option guestgroup ( ftpaccess(5) )
to our users group, in hopes to have wu.ftpd chroot them to their home
directories, in order to secure our box more efficiently. However this
has failed. The users still have access of the whole system.

At first I thought that it might have been the chroot(2) call wouldnt
work. However if I just set " anonymous" login via ftpaccess, the ftpd
properly chroot's to the ftp home directory ( which is properly set for
anonymous login ). We are presently using the Locker Admin package to
manage the user's setup.

Thanks in advance for any direction/solution/ideas/prayers :)

p.s. I have sucessfully configure ftpaccess on our Linux box. So I
believe that the /etc/ftpaccess is correct.

                   Douglas Meldrum
                  Technical Support
                   Delphi Supernet
              "I am God! ... in my own lil world"
                         - Arn
Received on Fri May 02 1997 - 00:56:40 NZST

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