I only got one reply on this one, so I assume that not many people had to
remove LSM from their system. Thank to Gary C. Jenkins
(gcjenkins_at_escocorp.com) for his help. I finaly ended up with a DEC
engineer and he sent me a paper about how to remove the last LSM disk from
a system. If you want that paper, feel free to ask and I'll transmit to you.
The solution (in my case) was that I can safely remove all the LSM devices
left in /dev and I can zero out the disklabel for the LSM simple disk
partition. If you have not yet deleted the subset, you can proceed
according to the paper.
As fot the LSM version that I was using, it is 1.2A. I really don't know
why I received the old manuals for 1.0. The only way I've found to
determine what version of LSM you're using is to look in the manual, for
example, the LSM 1.2A manual says that is is for DU 3.2C, and the LSM 1.0
manual says it is for OSF/1 version 1.3
Here is the original question:
Our systems came factory installed with LSM. We did not want to use it, so
we removed it. LSM was installed and the rootdg diskgroup was there, but
there were no disks configured.
To uninstall, we used 'volunroot' (or something like this) and then we
removed the subsets with setld -d and rebuilt the kernel.
The problem we are facing now is that there are still some 'leftovers' and
we have to re-install LSM to mirror our /, /usr and primary swap disks. We
are wondering if we should remove those leftover before re-installing LSM,
or if the installation procedure will overwrite it by itself.
Among the suspect things we have:
disklabel -r /dev/rrz0a gives:
# /dev/rrz0a:
type: SCSI
disk: RZ28D
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 131072 0 ADVfs # (Cyl. 0 - 82*)
b: 806912 131072 unused 1024 8192 # (Cyl. 82*- 592*)
c: 4110480 0 unused 1024 8192 # (Cyl. 0 - 2594)
d: 0 0 unused 1024 8192 # (Cyl. 0 - -1)
e: 0 0 unused 1024 8192 # (Cyl. 0 - -1)
f: 0 0 unused 1024 8192 # (Cyl. 0 - -1)
g: 3171472 937984 ADVfs # (Cyl. 592*- 2594*)
h: 1024 4109456 LSMsimp # (Cyl. 2594*- 2594*)
----- What is this ?
If I issue an ls -al /dev/vol* here is what i get:
crw-r--r-- 1 root system 41, 0 Apr 17 1996 /dev/volconfig
crw-r--r-- 1 root system 41, 1 Apr 17 1996 /dev/volevent
crw-r--r-- 1 root system 41, 3 Apr 17 1996 /dev/volinfo
crw-r--r-- 1 root system 41, 2 Apr 17 1996 /dev/voliod
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 8192 May 3 1996 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 root system 16384 May 1 12:00 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 8192 Apr 17 1996 rootdg
Can I safely destroy all this ?
Other question: We had a bunch of LSM manuals shipped with the system. We
are running DU 3.2D-1 and we have licensed the LSM GUI. We have 4-5 white
manuals about LSM version 1.0 and we have the LSM version 1.2 red manual.
What is the version of LSM that shipped with DU 3.2D-1 ? I suppose it is
1.2 but I just wanted to make sure. I found no way of knowing this. I
looked with setld, the manuals, the installation guide, the CD table of
contents, the version number of LSM is listed nowhere, and it is not
installed anymore, so I cannot do an 'about'
For your info, here is what I get with setld -i | grep LSM:
OSFLSMBASE350 Logical Storage Manager (General Applications)
OSFLSMBASE360 Logical Storage Manager - Patch 001
(General Applications)
OSFLSMBIN350 Logical Storage Manager Kernel
Objects(Kernel Build Environment)
OSFLSMBIN360 Logical Storage Manager Kernel Objects -
Patch 001 (Kernel Build Environment)
OSFLSMBINCOM350 Logical Storage Manager Kernel Header and
Common Files(Kernel Build Environment)
OSFLSMBINCOM360 Logical Storage Manager Kernel Header and
Common Files - Patch 001 (Kernel Build Environment)
OSFLSMPGMR350 LSM Software Development (Software
OSFLSMX11350 Logical Storage Manager GUI (General
Guy Dallaire
"God only knows if god exists"
Received on Tue May 06 1997 - 15:49:24 NZST