Digital LG Printer Driver

From: <>
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 12:03:33 -0500 (CDT)


I am currently working with a client that has a LG08Plus Digital Printer
connected directly (parallel) to a Digital Alpha Server 1000.

The problem comes in when they print long reports. The printer prints fine
for a while then it loses a chunk of data. It sounds the same a serial flow
control problem, but, it is parallel and the buffer is set up for the max.
buffer size of 16K.

The only thing I can think of is that there may be a driver issue. We are
using a LG06 driver since there is not a LG08 driver.

Has anyone else run into this before?? Please let me know if you have.


Norm Thomas
Senior Tech. Support Analyst
Received on Tue May 06 1997 - 19:27:56 NZST

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