Looking for hsj40 microcode

From: Barnwell_at_eksystems.com voice 508-303-6905 <barnwell_at_jbsvax.eksystems.com>
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 16:50:08 -0400

We have some hsj40s in need of the microcode flash card
(DEC part Number QA-0W9AB-WS) which is version 2.7

DEC says that they don't sell 2.7 anymore but you can get version 3.1
(QA-0W9AB-HS) for a lot more money. Since 2.7 works just fine for us we would
not like to go through the mess and cost of the new stuff. Any body know of a
source for these.

Received on Wed May 07 1997 - 00:10:14 NZST

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