JAZ drive on DU 3.2G

From: Randy Dees <rrd_at_amherst.com>
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 13:47:21 -0400 (EDT)

I am trying to connect an Iomega JAZ drive to an Alphastation 255 running
DU3.2G. I have tried the archives; this has been asked but not summarized
before. I have found from other internet sources a couple of ultrix
disktab entries as well as a suggestion for using the RZ26 type to label
the disks.

Have any of you successfully connected this drive to a 3.2G machine?

Many thanks in advance. Will summarize.

| Randy Dees | SCA: Talorgen ni Wrguist |
| ASI Systems Administration | a bard, formerly known as Myrddyn |
 Pr 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end
                        thereof are the ways of death
Received on Thu May 08 1997 - 20:05:17 NZST

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