I am trying to mount a Windows NT cd on my Alpha CD-ROM drive. As far as
I know, all CD-ROMS are on cdfs, that is, ISO9660 format. However, when I
issue the following command:
mount -r /dev/rz13c /mnt/cd
It tells me that the device has mounted, but the directory is empty.
On the other hand, if I issue the following command:
mount -rt cdfs /dev/rz13c /mnt/cd
It tells me that there is an unreadable filesystem on the device, or
something along that line.
Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone out there has had a problem with
mounting NT cds on their DEC boxes.
Santosh Krishnan
Received on Thu May 08 1997 - 22:47:43 NZST