> Addditional info.....
> The license pak DOES NOT HAVE "MOD_UNITS" in the Key Options field.
> I am trying to install a DEC ALPHA SERVER 4100 (4 processors),running DU4.0b.
> I am getting the message "Not enough units to load OSF-BASE DEC" after I
> install the license paks for the cpu's. I have four cpu's but only three
> license paks were sent. Could this be the possible cause of the error
> message?
> Firmware revision: 4.8
> PALcode: Digital-UNIX/OSF version 1.21
Received respones from following people:
Some licenses come with the ability to EDIT the number of base units.
One of my licences said this:
If you have this, you can edit the number of units. When you install it, just
put the units up to 800 or so.
You should be able to change the number of units for the OSF-BASE license
provided the license has MOD_UNITS as part of the Key Options field.
The error message "Not enough units to load OSF-BASE DEC" sounds like it
applies to the BASE license not the SMP licenses. Here we also have 4 cpu's
in two servers (2100's) & they both only have 3 SMP licenses. mostlikey
because if you have only one cpu, then you can't do SMP. I am not sure what
could be wrong with your BASE license to get the error.
You need one OSF-BASE for each CPU. So, I would expect you should have
one OSF-BASE with 400 units, and three 100 unit OSF-BASE. Contact the
company you bought the CPU's from.
Yep, that's why you don't have enough license units. You need a PAK for
each of the four CPUs, and I *think* they wouldn't all have exactly the same
part numbers, but without a license per CPU, you'll get that error.
If you disable one CPU from the console before you boot the system, then the
error should go away; if it does, that would confirm that it's the missing
license PAK that's causing it.
The final solution to the problem was correctly identified by Richard Jackson
(rjackson_at_gmu.edu) and Dr. Thomas P. Blinn(tpb_at_zk3.dec.com). I needed an
additional OSF-BASE with 400 units along with the three 100 unit OSF-BASE paks
which I already had in hand. Thank you to all that responed to the request for
assistance in resolving the 4100 problem.
| Milan Bednar mxb_at_inel.gov 208-526-8640 |
| |
|"Happiness lies in being privileged to work hard |
| for long ours in doing whatever you think is |
| worth doing." |
Received on Mon May 12 1997 - 22:16:54 NZST