From: stephane branchoux <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 09:19:31 +0200

> stephane branchoux wrote:
> > hi osf managers,
> >
> > I have two questions about NSR:
> >
> > Each day, networker saves the server an one client without any problem
> >
> > but when
> >
> > there is a full save (each friday) i've got the message :
> >
> > NetWorker Savegroup: (notice) Default completed, 2 clients
> > ( Failed)
> > Start time: Fri Apr 25 23:33:01 1997
> > End time: Sat Apr 26 01:02:53 1997
> >
> > --- Unsuccessful Save Sets ---
> >
> > * nsrindexasm: save failed on
> > /usr/var/nsr/index/
> > * save: external ASM `nsrindexasm' exited with
> >
> > code 1
> > * save:
> > /usr/var/nsr/index/ was not successfully
> > saved
> > * save: SYSTEM error, I/O error
> > * save: save of
> > /usr/var/nsr/index/ to
> > failed

DEC support gave me a patch in order to upgrade NSR

from nsr 4.0A to NSR 4.0B and now all is OK.It was a well known bug !

Steps to install patch nsrv42a-014

This patch contains patches 1 through 11 for DIGITAL Networker V4.2A.

Networker V4.2A patch1 summary:
This patch fixes two bugs in POLYCENTER Networker Save and Restore Version

First, Networker index files, i.e. /nsr/, that grow
larger than 2 gigabytes may become corrupted. Also, Networker may report
strange or negative values for size, usage, or utilization of indexes.

Second, this patch fixes a memory leak that occurs when saving indexes. This
memory leak results in error messages of the form:

* 2 retries attempted
* nsrindexasm: save failed on
* save: external ASM `nsrindexasm' exited with code
* save: /a2/nsr/index/ was
not successfully saved
* save: SYSTEM error, I/O error
* save: save of /a2/nsr/index/
to failed

In severe cases this memory leak could cause server machines to hang since
all swap space is used by nsr.

Only apply this patch to NSR V4.2A servers.

Networker V4.2A patch2 summary:
This patch fixes two problems with backing up cluster services.

First, when you specify 'All' in the 'Save Set' field
of a client definition for a cluster service networker only
backs up one of the uifilesystems.

Second, this patch allows you to back up clone filesystems of
AdvFS cluster services.

This patch should be installed on all cluster hosts that have
Networker installed.

Networker V4.2A patch3 summary:
This patch contains fixes for three bugs in Networker.

First this patch fixes a problem seen on ASE systems that would cause
the save program to core. This would cause 'No ouput' messages to appear in
save group completion messages, and would frequently result in Non-ASE
filesystems failing to back up.

This patch also fixes a bug that caused Networker to not recover files
to a UFS filesystem if those files had inode numbers of either 4 or 5.

This patch also contains a fix for a problem that caused the filesystems
of an ASE service to back up one at a time.

This patch should be installed on client and server hosts that have
Networker installed regardless of whether ASE is installed. The
binaries included in this patch contain all of the fixes.

This patch contains the fix in what used to be patch2 so patch2 has been

Networker V4.2A patch4 summary
This patch fixes problem with backing up cluster services.

The bug that this patch fixes causes the filesystems of a cluster
service to back up one at a time, instead of in parallel.

This patch is no longer needed since patch1 contains the fixes in this

Networker V4.2A patch5 summary:
This patch contains fixes a bug in Networker that causes uasm and save to
core on Digital UNIX 4.0 and above, when given the options '-sbi'.

This patch should be installed on client and server hosts that have
Networker 4.2A installed and Digital UNIX 4.0 or above.

Networker V4.2A patch7 summary:
This patch fixes a problem with recover of data saved with Networker V3.0.
Without the patch an attempt to recover data that was on an AdvFS filesystem
and saved with Networker V3.0 will result in either an error "Too many open
files" and/or files that are zero-length.

This patch should be installed on Networker clients and servers.

Networker V4.2A patch8 summary:
This patch fixes a bug that can cause Digital Networker 4.2A servers to crash
when creating or updating NT client records.

This patch only needs to be installed on Digital Networker servers running
Networker V4.2A.

Networker V4.2A patch9 summary:
This patch fixes a problem with allocating save sessions to available drives.
This problem could cause the number of save sessions to exceed the parrallelism
set for the server. It also caused the "deactivated with saves" message
that would sometimes result in a device being offline for a period after
the message, sometimes with the message "writing, idle" in the sessions

This patch contains patch 6.

This patch only needs to be installed on Digital Networker servers running
Networker V4.2A.

Networker V4.2A patch10 summary:
This patch fixes a problem with Networker that caused the command
'nsrjb -H' to fail with a message similar to:

  nsrjb: Jukebox error, Illegal Request, Medium Not Present

This patch only needs to be installed on Digital Networker servers running
Networker V4.2A.

Networker V4.2A patch11 summary:
This patch fixes a problem with save and archive that could cause them to core.

This patch should be installed on client and server hosts running
Networker 4.2A.

Networker V4.2A patch12 summary:
This patch fixes a bug that causes very long savegroup completion messages to
be truncated.

This patch supercedes the withdrawn patch 4 which did not fix the problem.

This patch only needs to be installed on Digital Networker servers running
Networker V4.2A.

Networker V4.2A patch13 summary:
This patch fixes a problem that prevented non-root administrators from
running the savegrp command from the command line.

This patch only needs to be installed on Digital Networker servers running
Networker V4.2A.

> cd /tmp
> mkdir patch
> cd patch
> ftp (username: anonymous, password: yourname_at_yoursite)
ftp> cd /pub/networker/patches/V4.2A
ftp> binary
ftp> get nsrv42a-014.tar
ftp> bye


Use netscape and go to:

click on nsrv42a-014.tar

Installation (execute as root):

  All the Networker patches create a directory named 'output' when you
  untar them. If you are installing multiple patches you should do so
  one at a time so that the output directory doesn't get corrupted.


The following installation should be performed on all
Networker servers that are also cluster hosts.

  Shutdown the nsr server:

        # nsr_shutdown

        # tar xvpf nsrv42a-014.tar

   You should have a directory named output now.

        # cd output

  Install the patch:

        # setld -l .

  Restart Networker:

        # /sbin/init.d/nsrd start

  The patch should now be successfully installed

  To verify that the patch was installed correctly execute the following:

    # setld -i | grep BRX

You should see ouput like the following:

BRXCKIT320 NetWorker Digital Client Kit
BRXCKIT321 NetWorker Digital Client Kit
BRXCKIT420 NetWorker Digital UNIX Client
BRXCKIT421 NetWorker Digital UNIX Client
BRXP12SOAKIT421 installed NetWorker Server Patch for Digital UNIX
BRXRNOTES311 NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation
BRXRNOTES320 NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation
BRXRNOTES321 NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation
BRXRNOTES421 NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation
BRXSMAN311 NetWorker Server Reference Pages
BRXSMAN320 NetWorker Server Reference Pages
BRXSMAN421 installed NetWorker Server Reference Pages
BRXSOAKIT311 NetWorker Server for Digital UNIX
BRXSOAKIT421 installed NetWorker Server for Digital UNIX

If you see the following line then the installation was successful:

BRXP12SOAKIT421 installed NetWorker Server Patch for Digital UNIX

If you were successful then you can remove the /tmp/patches directory
along with it's contents.
   # rm -rf /tmp/patch


Please uninstall all previous patch subsets before installing this jumbo
patch. To find out what patches are installed do the following:

        # setld -i | grep BRX | grep CKIT

then use the 'setld -d' command to delete any clientkit subsets that
are installed on the system. Once that is complete you may procede
with the installation of the jumbo patch.

The following installation should be performed on
Networker clients.

Untar the patch file.

        # tar xvpf nsrv42a-014.tar

        # cd output

  Install the patch:

        # setld -l .

        # cd /usr/opt/BRX421/BRXP12CKIT421

        # ls

        # tar xvf clientkit.tar
        blocksize = 128
        x decaxp
        x decaxp/decaxp
        x decaxp/decaxp/nsrinfo, 712704 bytes, 1392 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decaxp/nwbackup, 1302528 bytes, 2544 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decaxp/nwrecover, 1581056 bytes, 3088 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decaxp/recover, 1261568 bytes, 2464 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decaxp/save, 1089536 bytes, 2128 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decaxp/savefs, 811008 bytes, 1584 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decaxp/nsrarchive, 1171456 bytes, 2288 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decaxp/uasm, 663552 bytes, 1296 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decpt
        x decaxp/decpt/nsrinfo, 712704 bytes, 1392 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decpt/nwbackup, 1155072 bytes, 2256 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decpt/nwrecover, 1441792 bytes, 2816 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decpt/recover, 1114112 bytes, 2176 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decpt/save, 942080 bytes, 1840 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decpt/savefs, 696320 bytes, 1360 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decpt/nsrarchive, 1032192 bytes, 2016 tape blocks
        x decaxp/decpt/uasm, 638976 bytes, 1248 tape blocks

        # ls
        clientkit.tar decaxp
   If you are running a version of DIGITAL UNIX prior to V4.0 then:

        # cd decaxp/decaxp

   If you are running DIGITAL UNIX 4.0 or above then:

        # cd decaxp/decpt

   Copy the patched binaries to your installation directory:

        # cp * /usr/bin

   Client installation is now complete.

   To save space you may wish to remove the decaxp directory that
   contained all of the patch binaries.

                        stephane BRANCHOUX
                        Systemes et reseaux
                        Universite de PERPIGNAN
Received on Thu May 15 1997 - 09:51:12 NZST

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