I have a DU 4.0B and i am trying to use virtual domains.
the domain name of the machine is papmex.mx
the hostname is corpapmex.
the virtual domain that i am trying to use is piccs.mx
in the named.boot i put
primary piccs.mx hosts.piccs
and in the file hosts.piccs i put
corpapmex in A
corpapmex in MX 10 corpapmex.piccs.mx.
when i do ping corpapmex.piccs.mx the reply is ok
but when i do sendmail -v user_at_corpapmex.piccs.mx
i get the error: Local host not recognized has local
service not available.
i do not know if i have to configure sendmail
please help me
thank's in advance
Carlos Kassab
Received on Sun May 18 1997 - 01:51:22 NZST