SUMMARY: problems with pop server

From: Leonardo Mosquera <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 11:56:19 -0500

This is more a summary of answers without a real fix to the problem,
but at least could help.

My original question was:

On Wed, 7 May 1997, Leonardo Mosquera wrote:

> Hi everybody
> One of our users obtained this error message when trying to read mail:
> using pine reported that he hadn't new mail, but after using mailx
> everything return to normality, someone knows about a problem like this?
> I am using Qualcomm pop server version 2.2 in an AlphaServer 1000 with
> DU 3.2g and C2 security active.
> Any help will be appreciatted, thanks in advance.
> Leonardo Mosquera
> System Manager
> Internet Telecom
> Colombia

Hello there,

That problem is a regular occurnace with certain popper daemons ( sorry
dont have a list ). It is caused ( if i be correct ) by a sudden drop of
the popper client when accessing email. The solution is to take a look
the $MAIL directory and look for a file .$USERNAME.pop . You should then
cat that file into the user's regular mail file then remove the annoying

  Douglas Meldrum
Network Coordinator
  Delphi Supernet

More Answers:

Gordy -- I have not posted a summary to the list yet, will try to do
Unfortunately, there's not much (by way of a solution) to report.
suggested a bug still lurking in the POP server code and a couple of
things that don't apply to us (running out of tmp space being the most
frequent). I'll probably end up modifying the POP server code to
"circumvent" this (if you look at the code it looks like someone started
doing this) unless the current maintainer has a better idea.

At 01:25 PM 5/8/97, Gordy Thompson wrote:
> Folks,
> This isn't quite a "me too," but we have the same problem that each of you
>described separately with our DEC Alpha 3.2, current Qualcomm POP server,
>no C2 security: The Eudora user gets the message that Leonardo describes
>when we investigate we find the condition that Diane describes (mail-spool
>file padded at the top with NULLs, in our case usually with part of the
>header of the first message eaten up). The only remedy we've found, which
>is ugly and labor-intensive, is to remove the NULLs by hand (can't do it
>with vi but pico can display the empty lines and let you delete them).
> You guys aren't the first to ask your questions of the list, but I've
>never seen a summary of answers. Have either of you gotten a clue, either
>from other alpha-managers or from DEC, as to what the problem is?
>At 05:30 PM 4/2/97 -0800, Diane Dickinson <> wrote:
>>Dear Alpha Managers ---
>>We are running DU 4.0b, sendmail 8.8.5, Qualcomm popper 2.2, Pine 3.95 and
>>Dec binmail on an AlphaServer 4100 5/300E (4-way). The machine has some
>>interactive Pine users, but is primarily dedicated to POP users (mostly
>>Eudora) and processing e-mail. We have around 5500 active POP users and
>>process around 100,000 mail messages a day through this machine. The
>>problem we are having is with mailboxes getting "corrupted" by being padded
>>at the top with a variable number of NULL (x00) characters. We cannot
>>verify that it has ever happened to a non-POP user. Also, strangely
>>enough, we have another less heavily used (by POP users) system with the
>>same software installed on it and have NEVER seen the problem there.
>>The problem has been an occasional annoyance for awhile and on previous
>>versions of all of the above, but now seems to be increasing in frequency
>>(perhaps just because of the growth in the number of users). From
>>searching the archives, I understand that this problem has been the topic
>>of discussions on the list in the past (somewhat inconclusively, it seems
>>to me). If anyone has suggestions, similar experiences, additional
>>evidence or any ideas on how to circumvent or fix this problem (or
>>problems), could you please send them to me and I will summarize? Thanks!
>And on Wed, 07 May 1997 15:29:12 -0500, Leonardo Mosquera
><> wrote:
>>Hi everybody
>>One of our users obtained this error message when trying to read mail:
>>using pine reported that he hadn't new mail, but after using mailx
>>everything return to normality, someone knows about a problem like this?
>>I am using Qualcomm pop server version 2.2 in an AlphaServer 1000 with
>>DU 3.2g and C2 security active.
>>Any help will be appreciatted, thanks in advance.
>Gordon T. Thompson
>Manager, Internet Services 212 556 1386
>The New York Times fax: 212 556 1636
> This letter has been modified as follows from its original
> version: It has been formatted to fit your screen.



        This isn't quite a "me too," but we have the same problem that
each of you
described separately with our DEC Alpha 3.2, current Qualcomm POP
no C2 security: The Eudora user gets the message that Leonardo describes
when we investigate we find the condition that Diane describes
file padded at the top with NULLs, in our case usually with part of the
header of the first message eaten up). The only remedy we've found,
is ugly and labor-intensive, is to remove the NULLs by hand (can't do it
with vi but pico can display the empty lines and let you delete them).

        You guys aren't the first to ask your questions of the list, but
never seen a summary of answers. Have either of you gotten a clue,
from other alpha-managers or from DEC, as to what the problem is?

Gordon T. Thompson
Manager, Internet Services 212 556 1386
The New York Times fax: 212 556 1636
      This letter has been modified as follows from its original
          version: It has been formatted to fit your screen.

Hi Leonardo,

This is a problem with Qualcomm v 2.2 and earlier qpoppers.
This type of error is usually due to mangled from lines, incomplete
headers or nulls at the end of the spool file.

We usually vi the spool file and any .login.pop file which fixes the
null characters problem, we also deleted any mangled from lines and/or
headers. Make sure to examine and/or fix both files.

This solution is less than ideal, but the volume is fairly low so
this a reasonable approach for us.

The Release notes for qpopper 2.2 say:

        Added a fix for nulls left at the beginning of mail spools.

I believe that we experience the problem much much less than with
previous versions of qpopper. I would suggest that you report this
to Qualcomm directly, the more they hear about the higher it may go
on their fix list.
 (Michele Tomkin)
Received on Mon May 19 1997 - 19:15:59 NZST

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