About "SUMMARY: orphaned netscape processes"

From: <pgouffon_at_charme.if.usp.br>
Date: Wed, 21 May 97 18:24:09 -0300

A week ago Kevin Reardon <kreardon_at_cerere.na.astro.it> posted a summary
about fixing runaway netscape processes, which is happening on our systems
several times a day. I tried the proposed ksh script but without success:
even after 1000s of cpu, netscape remains hyperactive, consuming close to
100% of cpu when alone. The script is:

ulimit -t 1000
ulimit -c 0
nice -5 /usr/local/bin/netscape-alpha3.0 $*

I tried the same script on a small looping program and it works fine, so the
problem is netscape, that is not terminated by CPU exceeded. Playing with
these processes, I found that a kill -TERM will not affect netscape but a
kill -9 will, so that means that netscape blocks the SIGTERM which may explain
why the shell script does not work. The version of netscape that we are running
is 2.0.

Now the question: is there a way to avoid netscape from blocking the signal
or to force ksh (or other shell) to use a more effective, non blockable, signal?

In a more general way, has someone a script that will kill any regular user's
process, detached or not, that has used above a certain limit of CPU and
notify the system manager and the user?

Thanks, will summarize.

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email: pgouffon_at_if.usp.br |
Received on Wed May 21 1997 - 23:34:01 NZST

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