ACL (Access Control Lists)

From: Michael Mays <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 15:53:59 -0400 (EDT)

        I am being trained to be a sysadmin and I was given the assignment
to test out the usefulness and security of using acl's, which is a new
feature on digital unix 4.0b. I have read various documentation on them,
but I am still unable to get them to function in the right way. I can set
acl to allow a whole group or all the users to have access to one
particular file, but when I set it for a specific user, it seems to have
no affect. When I use getacl it shows that it is indeed set for a
specific user but it doesn't work. I am out of ideas on how to get them
to work. Could someone help me out?
--= I sent this message out a few days ago and I have yet to receive a
response, so perhaps if I describe what I've been trying to do in more
detail, it might help some of you to be able to figure out where I'm going
        First I create a file called Test. Then I make sure that it is
rwx by me by doing getacl.
   rosemary> getacl Test
# file: Test
# owner: mays
# group: sysadmin

           Then to start to test it, I do a setacl to give another sysadmin,
test1 rw access to the file by doing:

   rosemary> setacl -u user:test1:rw- Test

        To check this I do another getacl:

   rosemary> getacl Test
# file: Test
# owner: mays
# group: sysadmin

        And according to this and all of the information I dug up on acl,
this means that I have rwx on Test and test1 has rw access for the file
Test. But when I log on as test1 and cd into mays (my directory), I do an
ls which shows all of my files, but will not let test1 read or write to
Test. And I can't figure out why this doesn't work because I tried giving
the group sysadmin read access and it works, but giving it to just one
user doesn't, which defeats the whole purpose of acls. Does anyone have
and knowlege of acls and can give me a hand with them?

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|| Michael Mays ||
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|| "Who's more foolish, the fool or ||
|| the fool who follows?" ||
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Received on Thu May 22 1997 - 22:09:01 NZST

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