Has any one encountered the problem of disk space availability being
reported differently by commands "df" and "du"?. For example I have the
used available
root_domain#root 131072 109796 21276 84% /
When I did a du of / I got the total used space as 68620. What does this
mean? Where is the balance of 41,000 blocks?.
Also when a big file is deleted the space is not available immediately
although with lsof I could check that the file was not opened by any
process. At one instance I could get back the space after unmounting and
running /sbin/bcheckrc and at the second instance the space came back
after some time. Does any one has experienced the same. I am running
Thanks for your help.
B.S. (Raja) Nagaraja
Systems Support Specialist
Business Systems Division
ACTEW Corporation
GPO BOX 366, Canberra ACT 2601
Australia Phone: 616 2707443 Fax: 616 2707445
e-mail: Raja.Nagaraja_at_actew.com.au
Received on Fri May 23 1997 - 03:15:13 NZST