SUMMARY : Problem with terminal settings

From: Bart Rousseau <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 09:21:57 +0200


My question was :
I have two Digital workstations, the first running Digital
UNIX V4.0B the second running Digital UNIX V3.2. When I try
to rlogin from the first machine to the second I get the
following message :
Never heard of terminal type "dtterm".
Terminal type (default=vt100)?
- CUT - CUT - CUT - CUT - CUT -CUT - CUT - CUT - CUT - CUT -
I know I should add the terminal info to the terminfo
directory, but I don't know how to do this (The books
I have at hand only give vague hints on how to
achieve this).
The question is : What should I do that
 - the system doesn't ask me what type of terminal I am using
 - programs such as vi and pine will work fine
Can this be done without changing the terminfo directory? If not
how do I get the info from the termcap file into the
terminfo directory?

The answers were :

 - use xterm or dxterm
 - set your terminal to vt100

I didn't receive any messages on how to add the ddterm
info to the terminfo directory. Apparently this is not an
easy thing to do.

I don't know if this is possible, but since vim can get
the correct terminal information from the termcap file,
I wonder if I can somehow tell vi to look for this
information there as well (instead of in the terminfo
directory). Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to :

"Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-881-0646" <>
"Richard L. Eisenman" <>
Lucio Chiappetti <>

for their responses to my question.

|Bart Rousseau, Ph.D. student                 |
|University of Antwerp - Dep. of Chemistry    |
|Structural Chemistry  - Quantum Chemistry    |
|Universiteitsplein 1  - 2610 Antwerpen       |
|Belgium               -    |
|     |
|       -|
|Tel.: + 32 3 8202366  - Fax.: + 32 3 8202356 |
Received on Thu May 29 1997 - 09:40:57 NZST

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