Hi gurus,
How about zombies????....
I have seen something strange happened on my DU 3.2d box...
Some users left their sessions opened with pine on foreground...after a lot of
time (about 10 hours and more) parent process (C shell) went crazy...It killed
& respawned its child process (as defunct!!!) eating a very large amount of
cpu...(with ps I could see
31656 lat/627 R + 14:33.02 -csh (csh) & childs
xxxxx lat/627 < 0:00.00 <defunct> )
Has anyone have the same problem????
How did he/she solved???
and, finally...
How may I remove this f****d processes shown as below???
> ps -e | grep defunct
> 20300 ?? < 0:00.00 <defunct>
> 20416 ?? < 0:00.00 <defunct>
> 20430 ?? < 0:00.00 <defunct>
> 30174 ?? < 0:00.00 <defunct>
Thanks very much in advance...
Francesco "Zebolous" Zerra [zerra_at_cmns.mnegri.it] (Tel.) +39 (872) 570.329
Unit for Computer-aided Biomedical Research (Fax.) +39 (872) 578.240
Consorzio Mario Negri Sud - Via Nazionale 66030 S.Maria Imbaro (CH) Italy
Received on Tue Jun 03 1997 - 15:01:47 NZST