See my previous post for details. This morning, I tried the kernel debugger
on the crash dump (kdbx & dbx -k) and I could not find anything:
Both dbx and kdbx told me that the SYMBOLS were not included in the dump. I
presume that I stripped my genvmunix at some time with the strip command.
My genvmunix was only about 7Mb in size, but the file command tells me that
is is not stripped.
Anyway, I rebuilt the genvmunix with doconfig -c GENERIC and it gave me a
big vmunix about 12Mb in size. Do you think this genvmunix ias as SAFE as
the one dec provided to us in the fisrt place ?
I'll try to boot this one as soon as I have some downtime and see if it
crashes and if I can get anything useful from the dump.
If you have any comments, ideas, feel free to email me.
Guy E Dallaire, SysAdmin, DBA
Le Directeur General des Elections du Quebec, QC, Canada
Phone: (418) 646-8618
Fax: (418) 644-9624
** "Honni soit qui disco pense"
Received on Mon Jun 09 1997 - 22:09:01 NZST