I have a question I'm hoping one of you will have some expertise in: The lpd protocol.
We have a very intensive amount of LPD action going on at our site. An Oracle server sends
out print jobs to remote PCs (Windows95).
Here's the problem. We purchased an inexpensive LPR/LPD package from NiPrint and installed on
several PCs. We've had lots of problems with jobs hanging in the queue until cleaned out. I have
tcpdumped the communication between Our Du3.2 server and a test PC. I found that as soon
as the server tries to send a second data file (dfAxxxxxxx) in an open connection, the PC responds
with some type of "FIN" packet, which is TCP for "finished". I'm not sure if this a finish command or
a finish ack, but in either case I don't think it should happen. NiPrint has told me that the server should close the connection after each control/data file set being sent. I know that NT and one other
'lpd for Windows' package handle the multiple print jobs per connection just fine( I've tcpdumped there TCP packets too) and this is actually desired to avoid connection set-up and close overhead time.
I've read the TCP and LPD RFCs and realize that TCP is actually the protocol in charge of
opening and closing the socket connections for the application (LPD), but can't find anywhere in
black and white that multiple printer jobs can be sent one one connection.
Does anybody know if lpd is supposed to send one job per connection or several jobs per connection ( if there are multiple jobs in the queue) ? Any insight would be helpful.
Wayne Sweatt
Received on Wed Jun 11 1997 - 19:24:36 NZST