SUMMARY : POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B

From: Thomas V Thomas <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 11:42:09 -0500

I wrote ...

From: Thomas V Thomas
Date: Wed Jun 11 17:43:46 1997
Subject: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B

Dear Friends,

We had configured the mail on the AlphaServer running Digital Unix 4.0B
and it's working fine, except that i'm not able to configure it as a
POP3 Server. When we try to retieve the mail from the Netscape Browser,
an error is displayed

       Netscape's Network connection was refused by the Server:
       The Server may not be accepting connections or may be busy.
       Try connecting later.

I am able to connect to other mail servers and retrieve mails from them.
The man pages of MH POP on Digital Unix is not detailed. Also we dont
want to try other POP implementations now.

Other clarifications we need are,

1. Do we have to create a user 'pop' ?
2. Should we run the popd in the background and how to start it
automatically on boot ?
3. Should popwrd be run for each user who uses POP3 server to retrieve
mail ?

Can anybody help me out.

Thomas V Thomas



Solution :

I have installed Qualcomm's popper. It works really well and
is easy to configure. Thank you for your replies. I am enclosing
the replies received to summarize.


>Date: Thu Jun 12 08:58:24 1997
>To: Thomas V Thomas <>
>Subject: Re: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>That MH POP server in Digital UNIX V4.0B is old and implements an early
>version of the POP3 standard. I strongly recommend that you switch to the
>Qualcomm popper that is included in Digital's Internet Alphaserver Software
>V3.2 product. You can also downloand the Qualcomm popper from
> This qpopper has been
>slightly modified for better mail spool file locking and to work with
>Digital UNIX's enhanced (C2) security enabled.
>The original from Qualcomm is also available at
>The INSTALL file tells you how to configure it, but basically you need to
>build it (it's simple -- unpack the tar file, cd to the directory it
>creates, type "make osf1") and copy the resulting popper.osf1 it builds to
>/usr/bin/popper. Create a link /usr/bin/pop2 -> /usr/bin/popper to hander
>POP2 also.
>Add this to your /etc/services (remove or comment out any other "pop" lines):
> pop 110/tcp
> pop3 110/tcp
>and add this to /etc/inetd.conf (again, comment out any other "pop" lines):
> pop stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/pop2 popper
> pop3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/popper popper
>Send inetd a HUP signal to make it reread inetd.conf and you're all done.
>From: Jarkko Hietaniemi
>Date: Thu Jun 12 02:15:12 1997
>To: Thomas V Thomas <>
>Subject: Re: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>You did not mention whether you have read the section
>"Setting Up the Post Office Protocol"
>in the manpage
>$jhi++; #
> # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
> # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen
>Date: Thu Jun 12 02:47:02 1997
>To: Thomas V Thomas <>
>Subject: RE: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>Le 11-Jun-97 Thomas V Thomas a ecrit :
>To setup DEC POP-server, you must do :
> 1) create a user pop and its spooler directory (/var/spool/pop)
> 2) in this directory, create a file POP which contains one entry
> for each "pop_user", as defined in pop(4) and popwrd(8)
> 3) for each of these pop_user, add one or more aliases in
> /var/adm/sendmail/aliases, mail_name:pop_user_at_pop
> and run newaliases
> 4) verify you have configure sendmail to store mail for pop_user in
> pop directory. The result is two lines in :
> R$+<_at_POP> $#pop $_at_$j $:$1 username_at_POP
> Mpop, P=/usr/lib/mh/spop, F=nsmFDM, S=10, R=20, A=pop $u
> and restart sendmail
> At this moment, if yoou try to send mail to a pop_user, you will
> see his mailbox in pop directory
> 5) launch popd with port 110 (and not default 109) (see popd(8))
> 6) then you will be able to retrieve pop mail.
> Try:
> telnet host 110
> USER pop_user
> PASS password
> RETR 1
> DELE 1
>Question : DEC pop-server or another POP-server ?
> with DEC pop-server
> + pop_user need not to have an Unix account
> - POP-service and normal service (Mail(1)) are not compatible, because
> of the differences of mailboxes format
> - pop_user cannot change their passwords themselves, only root can,
> see popwrd(8)
>Marie-Claude Vialatte | Telephone : +33 4 73 40 77 08
>C.U.S.T. - Clermont-Ferrand | Fax : +33 4 73 40 75 10
>63177 AUBIERE Cedex | Email :
>Date: Thu Jun 12 08:37:42 1997
>To: Thomas V Thomas <>
>Subject: Re: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>I'd believe you would be significantly better served by Qualcomm's qpop
>POP3 MTA. You can get it free at the Digital download site.
>It's called something like qpop2.2.tar.Z etc.
>Just install the program and include it into the inet.d file and a few
>other items I believe, like restarting sendmail. None of this secondary
>password and user id's. Uses the standard acount verification and mail
>store. It's also never been subject to CERT security notifications.
>-- Dan
>Daniel Bowman
>UNIX Systems Programmer
>IS, Johns Hopkins Univ.
>Baltimore, MD - USA
>System admins don't go to hell;
>we're already doing our time in purgatory.
>Date: Thu Jun 12 09:22:44 1997
>To: Thomas V Thomas <>
>Subject: Re: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>Sounds like the pop3 service has not been defined in your /etc/services
>and /etc/ident.conf
>Check to see that these are there.
>Here are the entries in my /etc/services file for pop3
>pop3 110/tcp # postoffice
>here are the entries in the inetd.conf file for pop3 (please note,
>we're using will need to change the entry to reflect popd)
>pop3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/popper popper -s
>Tim O'Connor
>Accounting Programmer / Webmaster
>Ungaretti & Harris - Attorneys at Law
>Chicago, Illinois
>From: Carlos A M dos Santos
>Date: Fri Jun 13 09:26:58 1997
>To: Thomas V Thomas <>
>Subject: Re: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>Try a "telnet 110" to check if your pop server is
>Qualcomm's popper is free and very stable. Get it at
>> 1. Do we have to create a user 'pop' ?
>For popper, no.
>> 2. Should we run the popd in the background and how to start it
>> automatically on boot ?
>No it should be started by inetd.
>> 3. Should popwrd be run for each user who uses POP3 server to retieve
>> mail ?
>For popper, no.
>Carlos Augusto Moreira dos Santos
>Universidade Federal de Pelotas Centro de Pesquisas Meteorologicas
>Av Ildefonso Simoes Lopes, 2751 Telefone (0532)23-2525
>Pelotas, RS, Brasil FAX (0532)23-4814
>CEP 96060-290
>... a rock solid program is an exception, not a rule. (Lars Wirzenius)
>From: Christopher L. Davis
>Date: Wed Jun 11 18:35:12 1997
>To: (Thomas V Thomas)
>Subject: Re: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>>The man pages of MH POP on Digital Unix is not detailed. Also we dont
>>want to try other POP implementations now.
>I understand, but I will still try to convince you to look at Qualcomm's
>free popper, as I have run it for 4 years now, and have never had a single
>problem with it. You might reconsider.
>Best of Luck,
>Christopher L. Davis Systems and Network Administrator
>The Principia PHONE: (314)-434-2100
>13201 Clayton Road FAX: (314)-275-3538
>St. Louis, MO 63131 INTERNET:
>From: John P. Speno
>Date: Wed Jun 11 19:45:28 1997
>Subject: Re: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>>The man pages of MH POP on Digital Unix is not detailed. Also we dont
>>want to try other POP implementations now.
>Ha. Try qualcomm's popper. It's on someplace.
>Sorry for the smartass answer, but I really think it's a good idea.
>Take care.
>John P. Speno,, Swarthmore College Computing Center
> "There is no wisdom greater than kindness."
>From: Antonio S. Martins Jr.
>Date: Wed Jun 11 18:03:45 1997
>To: Thomas V Thomas <>
>Subject: Re: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, Thomas V Thomas wrote:
>Hi Thomas,
>> The man pages of MH POP on Digital Unix is not detailed. Also we dont
>> want to try other POP implementations now.
> Yes, MH POP documentation isn't good! I recomend Qualcomm Popper! If
>you'll install and configure a pop server do it once only! Install Popper
>it's more simple than MH POP. it'll validade from the standard /etc/passwd
>or shadow files!
>> 1. Do we have to create a user 'pop' ?
> For MH POP yes... for Popper no!
>> 2. Should we run the popd in the background and how to start it
>> automatically on boot ?
> Both of them are started from inetd. take a look on /etc/inetd.conf
>> 3. Should popwrd be run for each user who uses POP3 server to retieve
>> mail ?
> Same as #1, for MH POP yes... for Popper no.
> hope this helps,
> Antonio.
>| Antonio S. Martins Jr. - System Analist |Surfing in the Net... |
>| WorldNet Internet Maringa - PR - Brasil | |
>| E-Mail: | Warp Speed !!!|
>| | |
>| | !!! Team OS/2 Brasil !!! |
> "Only The Shadow Knows what evil lurks in the Heart of Men!"
> This e-mail message is 100% Microsoft free!
>From: Greg Merrell
>Date: Sun Jun 22 02:25:38 1997
>Subject: Re: POP3 Server on Digital Unix Ver 4.0B
>Thomas V Thomas <> wrote:
>> i'm not able to configure it as a POP3 Server.
>> Also we dont want to try other POP implementations now.
>We have been running Qualcomm's qpopper for q few years now and have had no
>problems with it. Others on this and other mailing lists have agreed that teh
>Qualcomm POP server seems to be the most reliable and trouble free on DUnix.
>It builds cleanly and runs great. You should give it a try.
>PS If is at the Research facility in Newark, tell Martin Pensak
>"Hi!" for me.
>=============My return addresses are===============
>Greg Merrell Email:
>Netuser Communications Voice: +1-408-253-0970
>Cupertino, CA Fax: +1-408-253-0590
Received on Tue Jun 24 1997 - 19:07:23 NZST

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