Hello managers,
I have an Alpha 255 running DU4.0 with an Intel 9600 external
modem attached to com 2. I am trying to setup ppp so I can dial
in from an OS/2 system. I have edited the following files
to include lines listed.
dialin:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty01 dialin vt100
dialin# B38400 HUPCL CS8 # B38400 HUPCL CS8 #login: #dialin
/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty01 disconnect /usr/bin/ppprestart \
silent netmask proxyarp \ kdebug 7 debug
/usr/sbin/pppstart &
I start getty with the init q command. When I run pppstart I always get
2 pppd processes running. When I dialin in from an OS/2 system with ppp
setup I get a debug message that say's the alpha returned a NACK for a
MAGICNUMBER config-request. The OS/2 system is the only one I have tried
to use to connect to the alpha. I can successfully connect to other OS/2
systems running ppp with this OS/2 system.
Any help would be appreciated.
Steve Wineke
Received on Wed Jun 25 1997 - 16:19:42 NZST