Many thanks go to
Luca Carbone <Luca.Carbone_at_mi.infn.it>
"Jeffrey G. Micono 6533 (Ktech)" <jgmicon_at_sandia.gov>
for answering to my posting.
This is what I asked earlier:
> Hi,
> I am trying to configure the rarpd daemon in order to be able to
> boot a Lantronix Print Server (MPS1).
> I went througth the man-pages and got:
> /usr/sbin/rarpd [ interface ] [ -v ] [ -n ] [ -f filename ]
> I configured the /etc/ethers file with the ethernet address
> and host name and the /etc/hosts I added the ip-number and
> hostname.
> Now everytime I try to configure rarpd I got the following error:
> # /usr/sbin/rarpd -n
> pf0: No such file or directory
> or
> # /usr/sbin/rarpd tu0 -n
> tu0: No such file or directory
> Does someone know what happens?
> Thank you
> Monica
Jeff got the answer to my problem:
1) one has to configure the kernel with the PACKETFILTER option
(which I had done already)
2) one has to do
# MAKEDEV pfilt
which creates the devices:
# ls /dev/pf*
pfilt0 pfilt18 pfilt27 pfilt36 pfilt45 pfilt54 pfilt63
pfilt1 pfilt19 pfilt28 pfilt37 pfilt46 pfilt55 pfilt7
pfilt10 pfilt2 pfilt29 pfilt38 pfilt47 pfilt56 pfilt8
pfilt11 pfilt20 pfilt3 pfilt39 pfilt48 pfilt57 pfilt9
pfilt12 pfilt21 pfilt30 pfilt4 pfilt49 pfilt58
pfilt13 pfilt22 pfilt31 pfilt40 pfilt5 pfilt59
pfilt14 pfilt23 pfilt32 pfilt41 pfilt50 pfilt6
pfilt15 pfilt24 pfilt33 pfilt42 pfilt51 pfilt60
pfilt16 pfilt25 pfilt34 pfilt43 pfilt52 pfilt61
pfilt17 pfilt26 pfilt35 pfilt44 pfilt53 pfilt62
On my system I had /dev/pfcntr but the /dev/pf/* devices where missing.
Now I get:
# /usr/sbin/rarpd -n
Using '/etc/ethers' as ethers file
# ps -ef|grep rarpd
root 22691 1 0.0 16:42:47 ?? 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/rarpd -n
root 22681 9589 0.0 16:43:16 ttyp6 0:00.01 grep rarpd
Received on Wed Jun 25 1997 - 17:41:42 NZST