hsz40 writeback-cache error

From: Kalle Flodkvist <kalle.flodkvist_at_its.uu.se>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 14:17:17 +0100

I am using hszterm on my Digital Unix 3.2C system to check the status of my
storageworks system with a hsz40. This is what i see:
HSZ> show this full

        HSZ40 ZG60104925 Firmware V27Z-0, Hardware B03
        Not configured for dual-redundancy
        SCSI address 7
        Time: 26-JUN-1997 14:04:43
Host port:
        SCSI target(s) (1, 2, 3, 4), No preferred targets
        Unknown cache type
        Cache is FAILED
        CACHE_FLUSH_TIMER = 65535 (seconds)
        CACHE_POLICY = A
        Host Functionality Mode = A
Licensing information:
        RAID (RAID Option) is DISABLED, license key is VALID
        WBCA (Writeback Cache Option) is ENABLED, license key is VALID
        MIRR (Disk Mirroring Option) is DISABLED, license key is VALID
Extended information:
        Terminal speed 9600 baud, eight bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
        Operation control: 00000004 Security state code: 15804
        Configuration backup disabled

What does "Unknown cache type" and "Cache is FAILED" mean???

Kalle Flodkvist
Uppsala universitet
IT Stöd
Box 887 Email: Kalle.Flodkvist_at_its.uu.se
751 08 UPPSALA Fax: +46 18 18 79 10
Sweden Telephone: +46 18 18 78 63
Received on Thu Jun 26 1997 - 14:45:32 NZST

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