SUMMARY: Resolve Internet Domain Name

From: Xihong Yang <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 09:58:32 -0400 (EDT)

        Add the following line in /etc/svc.conf:
        hosts local,bind # I was missing bind

Thanks to:
        "Robert L. McMillin" <>
        Kimble Britten Webb <kimble_at_maths.unsw.EDU.AU>
        Shelly Feran <>
        Sophia Liow <>
        Ashima <>
        Kai Grunau <>
        Anil Khullar <>
        Simon Greaves <>
        Hernando Barragan <>

My original question:
> Hi Digital-ers,
> I have a simple question: After I setup the network of my workstation,
> I can not use any host name which is not list in /etc/hosts, but I have
> no problem to use the IP address. I have tried to use nslookup. It works
> fine for any host name. For example:
> %telnet # unknown host
> %nslookup # print
> What do I missing?
> I am running OSF3.2 on DEC3000/700
> Thanks

-- Xihong

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