PathWORKS 5.0 on DUNIX 4.0b host

From: A. Mahendra Rajah, Systems Manager <A.Mahendra.Rajah_at_Meena.CC.URegina.CA>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 1997 10:26:07 -0600 (CST)

   Background: We have PathWORKS 5.0 AlphaVMS server with tons of
                PWLMDOSCC05.01 licenses.

   Need: File server access to a Digital UNIX box running
                DU4.0b from Win95 PCs using LanManager. Users would
                like to browse their files on the UNIX host from
                Win95 PCs.

   We tried the following things:

   1) Attempted to install pwk50c from 1996 April UNIX ConDist CDs
        on the UNIX host. This failed with a message saying that the
        OS on the UNIX box is not 3.<something> !

   2) Was able to install pwk61a on the UNIX box; But, can a PC with
        a V5.0 license (PWLMDOSCC05) access the PathWORKS V6 file

   What are our options? We do not need anything fancy (other than
   browsing files) from the UNIX host!

   We do have MultiNet NFS client license for the VMS box. Can we
   NFS mount the UNIX filesystems and serve them from the 5.0 server?
   Since the NFS file systems are mounted read-only, we couldn't create
   shares on the 5.0 server!


   1) Can we somehow forge the install of pwk50c on the UNIX host
        running DUNIX 4.0b?

   2) Can PCs with v5 license browse the 6.1 server?

   3) How can we set up shares on the 5.0 server from NFS-mounted
        Unix file systems?

   4) Is our ONLY option to trade up the 5.0 PAKs for 6.0?

   5) We looked at Samba, but are very reluctant to use it on a
        production system without proper vendor support! Management
        does not want to hear about it.

   Any help will be greatly appreciated.


   -- mahendra
   A. Mahendra Rajah Email: Mahendra_at_Meena.CC.URegina.CA
   VMS & DUNIX Systems Manager Phone: (306) 585-4496
   Dept. of Computing Services FAX: (306) 585-5060
   University of Regina,
   Regina, Sask., S4S 0A2 .::''''::..
   Canada. .:::. .;'' ``;.
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Received on Wed Jul 09 1997 - 18:43:14 NZST

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