I've upgraded 2 machines both with advfs root_domain ...
Each occasion, after du40 was installed I couldn't boot the
upgraded disk until I would boot under 3.2c (my old disk)
mount -t advrs root_domain#root /newroot
then I'd shutdown and reboot and all was well.
Then I upgraded to 4.0b and again I had to do this mount...
But installing the patches I didn't have this problem.
So this weekend I did the 2nd machine and again I had to mount it's disks
the same way ...
Now I'm curious what happened that was fixed by the simple mounting?
I just don't understand why this was needed.
Without mounting I'd get to a point where it would prompt
for "vmunix <option1 option2>" and if I pressed return it would
try to load vmunix then halt the cpu and put me back at the >>>
??? any ideas?
Pam Woods - axsymgr_at_uaa.alaska.edu
Received on Tue Jul 29 1997 - 01:10:05 NZST