SUMMARY: Alphastation ethernet controller problems

From: Kirk Rafferty <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 10:39:43 -0600

First, thanks to the repondents:
Pat Wilson
Sean O'Connell
Richard Renshaw
Donald Rye

My original post was:
Hi folks, I have an Alphastation 255 that was loaned to us for a
project. The onboard ethernet controller (built into the motherboard)
went south, so we got hold of a PCI tulip card to replace it. Although
the PCI card is recognized (as tu0) on boot, it doesn't seem to be
working. I'm told the PCI card came out of a working machine, so right
now I'm operationg on the assumption that the new card is good.

My questions: Do I need to disable the onboard controller in some way?
If so how? We didn't get any docs with this thing so I'm working in the

All had good suggestions, but for brevity here's the post that most
closely matched the solution (in my case):

Sean O'Connell wrote:
I believe that the internal is tu0 and the your card would
be tu1:

1) is there an ewb0_... at the SRM prompt >>>

2) you need to tell the machine to use tu1

   edit /etc/rc.config
   change the reference to tu0 to tu1 (this oughta work)

3) you may need to rebuild your kernel:

   a) boot -fi genvmunix
   b) cd /sys/conf
   c) doconfig

(I'd try the /etc/rc.config then reboot using genvmunix
 and test that it is indeed on the 'net, then I'd rebuild
 the kernel (man doconfig))

Had I been paying better attention I would have noticed that the PCI
card it was recognizing was still the onboard, not the one I installed.
In fact, the new card was *NOT* being recognized, so part of my problem
was that I misdiagnosed part of the problem. The solution was to
rebuild the kernel to recognize the new hardware. The onboard ethernet
became tu1, and the new card became tu0. After that it came right up.

Thanks again for the help!

Kirk Rafferty ~ A friend is someone who will help you ~
mlm bait: postmaster_at_localhost ~~~ move. A GOOD friend is someone who ~ ~ will help you move a body. -anon ~~
Received on Tue Jul 29 1997 - 18:51:51 NZST

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