We are going to buy some SCSI disks for a Digital server.
Does anybody know if the SCSI disks from Digital support
thermal recalibration in background mode and are therefore suitable
for audio and video applications?
We think about the new 9 GB RZ1DB-VW disk.
Your comments are welcome.
Harald Mayer
Harald Mayer | X.400: <S=mayer;P=joanneum;A=ada;C=at>
JOANNEUM RESEARCH | Internet: Harald.Mayer_at_joanneum.ac.at
Institute of Information Systems | VoiceNet: +43 (316) 876 - 136
Steyrergasse 17 | FaxNet: +43 (316) 876 - 191
A-8010 Graz, Austria |
Received on Wed Jul 30 1997 - 18:59:00 NZST