mailer problem with CDE configuration

From: Josiane Tack <>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 11:38:26 +0100 (WET DST)


I am in trouble when I want to use correctly the CDE mailtool.

My stations work with Digital Unix v4.0b

I _ The server of the mail configuration is defined as follow:

1 - One main server receiving the mail coming in my network and receiving
the e-mails issued from the other stations of my local network
(and resending then to their destination).

2 - The partition /usr/var/spool/mail is exported toward the other stations
via NFS.

II - The other stations deal the local mail and send the exiting mail to the
 main mailing server, they also mount the /usr/var/spool/mail coming
 from the main server.
 This configuration works perfectly when using the Mailx!!!!
But when I use the CDE Mailing tool, it is quite impossible to grab from a
client station a e-mail coming in the /usr/var/spool/mail of the server.

The read action seems to be allowed only the first time, then, for the next and
the new e-mail, this message appears :
"Unable to access an object required to complete the operation"

Most of the time, the new mail "to be read" and "not yet read" is completly lost

Morever, the rpc.lockd and rpc.statd daemons are present on all the stations.

whith a ps command, I can see:
>ps aux | grep rpc

root 9675 0.0 0.0 1.80M 0K ?? IW 11:52:14 0:02.74 /usr/sbin
root 9672 0.0 0.0 1.65M 0K ?? IW + 11:52:17 0:00.07 /usr/sbin
root 9717 0.0 0.0 5.34M 0K ?? IW 16:01:59 0:00.47 rpc.ttdbs

a part of the inetd.conf file looks like:

dtspc stream tcp nowait root /usr/dt/bin/dtspcd dtspcd
rpc.cmsd/2-4 dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.cmsd
rpc.ttdbserverd stream rpc/tcp wait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd rpc.ttdbser

There are 3 daemons: dtspcd rpc.cmsd rpc.ttdbserverd
and I don't know thier meanning....

Finaly: In the file /etc/hosts.equiv, the mail server has the list of all the
client stations.

Has one of you ever met that problem???

What kind of environnement is requested by the CDE mailtool, so as to treat
correctly the sharing of the partition /usr/var/spool/mail?????

Help me please!!!!!


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