Hello all,
Thanks to alan at alan_at_nabeth.cxo.dec.com I could create the device
special file for the disk array and mount it on Digital Unix System. I
ran the /sbin/scu show edt bus 0 and found the exact location and
created the file. Following is the reply I got from alan:
Digital UNIX has one SCSI disk driver. It is the same one used for
our supported SCSI RAID controllers, plain supported disks, random
3rd party disks and the odd disk array. The MAKEDEV command is the
same for each one:
For Logical Unit zero devices:
# cd /dev
# ./MAKEDEV rz#
where '#' is (bus * 8) + target-id
For non-LUN zero devices:
# ./MAKEDEV rzx#
where '#' is the same as above and 'x' is a letter corresponding
to the logical unit number; 1 = b, 2 = c, etc. You can see what
the SCSI driver sees (which is different than genvmunix see)
using the scu(8) command. That will give you the bus, target
and LUN over every device the array presents. From that you
can create the special files.
Note: If you're running V3.2 (no letter) and earlier, MAKEDEV
doesn't have the code to create non-LUN zero devices. See
the RAID and SCSI manual page for how to encode the minor
device numbers for non-LUN 0 devices.
B.S. (Raja) Nagaraja
Systems Support Specialist
Systems Management Section
Business Systems Division
ACTEW Corporation
Phone: 616 270 7443 Fax: 616 270 7445
E-mail: Raja.Nagaraja_at_actew.com.au
Received on Wed Aug 13 1997 - 04:21:55 NZST