Hi Everyone,
Here is my original question.
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > I am new to the world of Dec. I just installed an ethernet card for my
> > Dec 3000 osf1 V3.2.148 alpha.
> >
> > However the operating system does not seem to see this new ethernet controller.
> >
> > I work primarily with Sun Solaris, and understand very well how to add
> > a new ethernet interface and reconfigure the operating system, however
> > I do not know how to do this under OSF1.
> >
> > Do I need to compile some options into the kernel or do some type of
> > reconfiguration........
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated...and I will summarize....
> >
> > Thanks
> > Chris
> > --
After getting numerous replies..... Here is what I ended up doing....
1. Bring system into prom mode
(shutdown -h now)
2. In Prom mode, I check to see if the system could see the ethernet board I
had just installed by typing..
show device
3. I was able to see the ethernet device and its MAC address
(Therefore the system could see the network board)
4. I rebooted the system using the generic kernel
boot -file genvmunix
5. After the system came up, I changed to /usr/sys/conf and did a doconfig
(This will recompile the new kernel with network support)
6. After the new kernel was built, I renamed the existing kernel on the system
and put the new kernel that was just built into its place.
mv /vmunix /vmunix.orig
cp /usr/sys/conf/ALPHA/vmunix /vmunix
7. I then halted the system and reboot with the new kernel
shutdown -h now
Prom>> boot -file vmunix
8. The new system came up with network support.....!!!
9. I then copied the old /etc/rc.config file to /etc/rc.config.orig
10. I then edited the /etc/rc.config file if needed
11. reboot the system
12. Done...
Thanks again to everyone who replied... I really appeciated your help..
Werner Hahling
Kristin (Kris) Larsen
Lucio Chiappetti
Robert L. McMillin
Kirk Rafferty
*Christopher E. Olaes Network Administrator *
* National Institutes of Health*
*Phone (301)496-3275 10 Center Drive, MSC-1061 *
*Beeper(301)701-4442 Building 10, Room B1D161 *
* Bethesda, MD 20892-1061 *
Received on Mon Aug 18 1997 - 20:50:52 NZST