At 17:31 19-08-1997 +0100, Joao Rochate wrote:
>Hi to all..
>One day I realised that I had to improve security by using digital's C2.
>Since then, I can't log on anymore using remote X. (from my workstation)
Ok.. I've solved the problem.
Sorry for this bunch of unuseful messages..
Joao Rochate
Joao Pedro Rochate | EMail:
Servicos de Informatica | URL:
Universidade do Algarve | Phone: +351 (0)89 800 961
8000 Gambelas - FARO | ISDN: +351 (0)89 860 125
P O R T U G A L (pt) | Mobile:+351 (0)936 660 662
-=[ ]=- | Fax: +351 (0)89 860 129
Eng. de Sistemas e Computacao - UCEH - Univ. do Algarve
Received on Tue Aug 19 1997 - 19:39:51 NZST